April 2, 2017

Phone Interview Tips to Help You Get Your Dream Job

Employers have a difficult decision to make in a very short amount of time. Within an hour or so they have to be certain about giving you the job by only talking to you in that short time. To get the opportunity you must present the best version of yourself and your potential employers must be convinced that you can accomplish the daily requirements of the job.

Large companies have a more detailed-oriented interview process than other companies. After many emails you’ll receive a confirmation for an interview over the phone. You never know if this phone interview will lead to the next step, so prepare as best as you can. In order to do that here are some tips to help you prepare for the phone interview.

Know the position. You want to make sure you are familiar with the responsibilities of what is being asked and have a confident understanding of the position. For example, let’s say you’re interviewing for a web designer position. The interviewer asks you about your skills. You mention as a web designer you’re very familiar with hmal, ccs, and jquery. This response will send some mental warnings to the interviewer. You want to make sure you truly know the position.

Know the position. Research the company. Research types of questions.

There’s probably a good amount of candidates interviewing for this job as a result you want to try to stand out from the other prospects. One key way to do this is by researching the company. The company will have a website, so that’s a great place to start. Try finding anything about their company culture, company initiatives, accomplishments, etc to help strengthen your knowledge. You may not use this information, but having this may help you differentiate yourself from other prospects. If the opportunity to give this information arises, then naturally bring it up.

Next, research potential questions they may ask you. If you’re interviewing for a web designer position google common web design interview questions. You can substitute web designer for the position you’re interviewing for. The goal is to have a general knowledge of the type of questions that may be asked. You want to be thoroughly prepared, so you can deliver thoughtful answers in a relatively quick time. The way you answer the questions should come across as natural as possible. One tip to achieving this is to have someone ask you some questions and record yourself as you answer. Later listen to the recording and instantly you’ll be able to recognize any weak points in your delivery.

Lastly there are essential things to do before the phone interview starts. You want to make sure your phone is completely charged, if you’re using a cellphone, and is at one hundred percent battery power. This interview can go longer than you may expect, so it’s best to be prepared. Find a quiet place with no distractions. If you have kids, make sure you have someone to look out for them and go somewhere with no disturbances. It will send a bad message if you have kids making noise or if other types of disruptions are coming from your end of the conversation. Before the interview time, take some deep breaths. You’ll probably be nervous, and that’s ok. Breathing deeply will help you calm some of the nervous tension. Sit up straight during the conversation and be confident. As long as you’ve done your due diligence in preparing, you know the position, and you appear confident you’ll do fine.

Jae Johns
Front-end developer for more than 10 years, writer and typography artist.